Get the Green in during these testing times


As we watch the world coming to a grinding halt, with offices, education, factories, gatherings, outings etc being barred all due to one virus that has literally shaken and brought the world down to its knees.

This is perhaps a time to think and reflect on our own actions, everyday living, our relationships and activities which take a backseat on any other day. Given the current situation and the sudden time available there is much we can do with staying at home and figuring how to keep ourselves and the family engaged as we watch the world stop at a signal that doesn’t change to green. We at A Green Venture give you a few green garden to-do’s to brighten your new daily living.

We advise you to bring the green inside as much as possible, after all what better time than this and the understanding that its needed more than ever. Share your knowledge with those around you, include them in your life, laugh more, share tips and what your garden is growing. It can be a small packet of seeds, a sapling, a baby plant whose mum takes up to much space, earthworms etc. Spare 2 hours everyday start with the morning it is the best time and gives way to a way more productive day ahead. You will slowly your notice your garden becoming greener, happier and responding to you in a few days because of time given. The same goes with loved ones around.

This outbreak has led to reckoning amongst most us, on the very fragility of life. The fact that nature will always win and conquer and our actions reflect our own relationship with the planet. Let’s truly look out of the window and think about the times we have arrived upon.

Garden, to feel Great!

  • WATER YOUR PLANTS, make sure the water flows out of the container
  • START PLANTING nursery trays, round or square shaped which has a 4 inches depth
  • PRUNE AND ADD dead leaves, buds, flowers cut in pieces to your soil
  • GO VERTICAL! Yes the higher your green, the greater the visibility and positive effects

Harvest, and Go Raw!

  • HARVEST all those weeds, most of them are edible and delicious add them to your salads, check out this link of edible weeds in your garden and increase your vitamin take
  • HERBAL PLANTS are your best bet especially for building immunity and focus, grow from sapling, varieties like Ajwain, Amrutaballi, Lemongrass, Vitamin plant, Malabar spinach, check out the list of plants below along with all the benefits

We hope you enjoy reading this short note, make sure you think and feel happy and follow our above tips on Growing and Gardening to becoming a Happier and Healthier you!

1Garlic ChivesAllium TuberosumLeavesCooking, adding flavour

Naati Coriander (local)


Coriandrum SativumLeavesCooking/ marinade
3Pudina/ MintMenthaLeavesCooking, coolant
4SpearmintMentha SpicataLeavesCooking, tea
5PeppermintMentha PiperitaLeavesAromatherapy, cooking, tea
6LemongrassCymbopogon citratusLeavesAromatherapy, cooking
7CitronellaCymbopogon nardusLeavesInsect repellent, aromatherapy
9GingerZingiber officinaleRoot and leavesCooking, sore throat
9GalangalAlpinia GalangaRoot and leavesCooking, cold, congestion
10TurmericCucuma longaRoot and leavesPowder, antioxidant, antiinflammatory
11AjwainPlectranthus amboinicusLeavesCough, cold
12Malabar SpinachBasella albaLeavesMouth ulcer, rich iron,
13GiloyTinospora CordifoliaStem/ leavesFever, Acidity, Diabetes Liver tonic, General immunity, Positive health booster
14BrahmiCentetilla AsiasticaLeavesMemory enhancer, hair care, fever,
15AshvagandaWithania SomniferaRoots/ LeavesGeneral immunity/ Blood purifier
16DrumstickMoringa OleiferaLeaves/ fruits/ bark/ flowersHigh iron, stomach ache, fungal infection, intestinal worms
17ChirayataAndrographis PaniculataLeavesFever and Diabetes
18Multivitamin Sauropus AndrogynusLeavesHigh Vitamin, Positive health
19Gudmar/ Indian Sweet BitterGymnema sylvestreLeavesDiabetes
20Henna/ MehendiLawsonia inermisLeavesCoolant, liver tonic, fungal infection
21Curry leaf/ KaripattaMurraya koeniigiiLeavesDigestion. Liver tonic, hair health
22Tulsi Ram and Tulsi KrishnaOcimum tenuiflorumLeavesCold, Fever


Indian Borage leaf/ Patta Ajwain


Coleus aromaticus

LeavesCough, cold, allergy, congestion
24BhrungarajaEclipta ProstrataLeavesHair care, skin care
25KhusVetiveriaLeavesReduces body heat
26Naagadali/ SadabRuta graveolensLeaves Cough, cold, fever, stomach ache
27Hippali/ long pepperPiper longumFruitCough, hoarse throat
28Adusoge/ AdusaAdhatada zeylanicaLeavesFever, cold, respiratory problem
29Madhumalini/ PiletSpilanthues calvaFlowering spikeDysentry, body pain
30Ayapana Water hemp Eupatorium triplinerveLeavesBlood purifier


Vegetable seeds (15 different varieties)Home grown and organically sourced, high qualityPlant in your garden pot
Cocopeat (Best for seed starters)Coconut husk powderAdd to your compost bin or pot soil, seed starter
Vermicompost SoilEarthworm rich soilUse as potting soil
Panchagavya (Cow manure solution)Cow manure solution farm madeDilute 1:8 ratio in water add to plants every 15 days
Mud pots and coir peat pots8 inch mud, 6 inch coco peatGarden pots

CONTACT A GREEN VENTURE ON [email protected] or WHATSAPP +919886400312 for inquiries

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